> 文章列表 > 春节可以带宠物出行吗英语





According to the regulations of the station, pets are not allowed to be brought inside. We appreciate your understanding!


春节在英语中有几种表达方式:1. Spring Festival,2. Nian (农历的1月1日), 3. The Spring Festival(用于特定上下文时),4. Chinese New Year(中国的新年)。

Among these expressions, \"Spring Festival\" is the most commonly used and widely understood. It refers to the traditional Chinese festival that marks the beginning of the Lunar New Year.


1. Can I bring these pets into the classroom? 2. You must find a suitable location to park your bike.

The first sentence in English implies that the person is asking whether it is permissible to bring the pets into the classroom. The second sentence is suggesting that the person should find a suitable spot to park their bike.


The English translation for \"春节\" is \"Spring Festival\". For example, \"Today we are all together for the Spring Festival\" can be translated as \"因为春节,今天我们都聚集在一起了\".

The Spring Festival is a special time of the year when families and friends come together to celebrate. It is known for its festive atmosphere and various traditional customs and activities.

【春节用英语怎么说?是NEW YEAR吗?】

The phrase \"春节\" can be translated into English as \"Spring Festival\" or \"Chinese New Year\". However, \"New Year\" alone usually refers to January 1st, also known as \"New Year\'s Day\". Therefore, for the specific Chinese festival that falls on a different date each year based on the lunar calendar, it is more appropriate to use \"Spring Festival\" or \"Chinese New Year\".


The English translation for \"春节\" includes \"Spring Festival\", \"Chinese New Year\", and \"Lunar New Year\". These terms are proper nouns and should be capitalized. You may choose to add the definite article \"the\" in certain contexts, such as \"the Spring Festival\".



  • 春节: The Spring Festival
  • 农历: Lunar calendar
  • 正月: Lunar January; the first month by lunar calendar
  • 除夕: New Year\'s Eve



春节: The Spring Festival; lunar New Year\'s Day; Chinese New Year\'s Day

圣诞节: Christmas Day

平安夜: Christmas Eve

感恩节: Thanksgiving Day

国庆节: National Day



对于春节,可以用英文表达为 \"The Spring Festival\" 或 \"Chinese New Year\"。
