> 文章列表 > 比起跳舞她更喜欢唱歌用英语怎么说



rather than的意思查电子词典说rather than是宁愿···而不

ather than 是一个并列连词,用法比较复杂,现归纳如下:1.rather than 与would 连用时,构成“would rather…than…”句式,意思是“宁愿……而不愿。


Comparing with dancing,he likes singing (even) more.如果有一些英语基础的话,建议你到http://www.***.com 华建小翻去查,但要把汉语语法和语序设。

“她不仅会唱歌,还会跳舞”为什么是“not only can she sin

哦~not only…but also…前后连接两个句子时,not only后的句子要用部分倒装,但but also后的分句不用倒装。部分倒装就是谓语提到主语之前祝同学学习。

prefer to do than do造句?

I prefer to stand rather than sit.我宁愿站着也不愿坐着。 I prefer to swim rather than skate.我喜欢游泳,不喜欢滑冰。 I prefer to tea rather than cof。


She likes singing and dancing=She likes to sing and dance (她喜欢唱歌跳舞)She is good at dancing=She sings well(她唱歌很好听) She likes s。


网友分享: sing and dance 跳舞; 唱歌copy跳舞; 又唱又跳; 唱和跳; 唱唱跳跳; [例句]Kelly: because I like to sing and dance. 凯利:因为我zhidao喜欢唱歌和。


网友分享��� 我喜欢唱歌:I like singing;重点词汇:唱歌 sing;现在分词: singing;过去式: sang;喜欢 like;复数: likes扩展资料 我喜欢唱歌和弹钢琴,也喜欢运动!I。


网友分享: She can both sing and dance. She can not only sing but also dance. She is capable of singing and dancing. She can both sing and dance.She。


She likes singing and dancing=She likes to sing and dance (她喜欢唱歌跳舞) She is good at dancing=She sings well(她唱歌很好听) She likes 。


Do you like singing or dancing?