> 文章列表 > 一名舞蹈演员用英语怎么说




my dream is to be a dancer.i’ve loved to dance around since i was a little kid.when i’m dancing i feel really happy and relaxed.i’ve always enjoyed。


网友分享: 演员的英语:actor(男演员)/actress(女演员) actor 发音:英 [ˈæktə(r)] 美 [ˈæktɚ] 具体释义:n.演员(尤指男演员); 行动者; 参与者; 复数: 。

“对于一个舞蹈演员来说,身体健康是很重要的 .”的英文翻译

It is so important for a dancer to be health.


我的梦想就是当一名舞蹈老师。 我的姐姐是学音乐的,而我又特别喜欢舞蹈,因此我有了一个“大胆”的想法:长大后和姐姐办一所艺术学校,专门教孩子唱歌。


网友分享: 问题一:一些女士正在跳舞用英文怎么说 Some ladies are dancing问题二:人们正在跳舞怎么说英文 你好! 人们正在跳舞 People are dancing问题三:她正。


1、sandy wants to be a dancer when she grows up.2 the most important thing to me is dancing for half an hour.3 dancers need a lot of ener。


When I was in elementary school, my dream is to be a dancer, I envy them on stage in a beautiful makeup and dressed in gorgeous costumes of that ki。


网友分享: 舞蹈艺术培训中心 Dance art training center 满意请采纳哟

…非常漂亮而且唱歌也很好听舞蹈也跳得不错的人 用英语怎么说?

网友分享: because she is a very beautiful girl and she is good at singing and dancing. 其实你上翻译网也可以- – because she is a very beautiful girl。


My dad is a music teacher, my mother is clothing teacher. I have a sister and a brother. My sister is a dancer. My brother is a universit。